2023 Survivor Series: War Games Real-Time Results

11/25/2023 8:36 PM

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2023 Survivor Series: War Games Real-Time Results

2023 Survivor Series: War Games Real-Time Results

November 25, 2023 8:36 PM
2023 Survivor Series: War Games Real-Time Results
WWE News

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WrestleLamia has all your 2023 Survivor Series: War Games real-time results. It's the WWE's last premium live event of 2023 and the WWE isn't going quietly into that good night. There are five big bouts booked including two War Games matches, two title matches, and what looks to be a violent grudge match:

Survivor Series: War Games is coming from the All State Arena in Rosemont, IL which just happens to be near Chicago, the home of one CM Punk. Will CM Punk show up at tonight's show as some fans suspect? We'll let you know if he does. In the meantime, keep checking back for updates on the show.

Women's War Games Match: (Bianca Belair, Shotzi, Charlotte Flair, and Becky Lynch) vs Damage-CTRL (Bayley, Asuka, Kairi Sane, Iyo Sky):

The babyface team has the advantage thanks to the Ruffles Potato Chips poll where fans could choose which team gets the first entrant after the initial two.

The WWE starts things off strong by holding the first War Games match as the opening bout. Becky Lynch will start the War Games match for her team. Damage-CTRL enter wearing Asuka-style masks. Bayley will start the match for her team. Dakota Kai runs out and slides a kendo stick to Bayley, who blasts Becky with it. Shotzi runs in and throws steel chairs and a garbage can into the ring. Shotzi is eager for payback on Bayley. Iyo Sky runs in, evening the odds for Damage-CTRL. However, the advantage only lasts so long and now Bianca Belair has joined her teammates. "The -EST" goes after Damage-CTRL. She hasn't forgotten about the group putting her out of action or costing her the WWE Women's Championship. The timer sounds and now it's Damage-CTRL's turn. Kairi Sane enters the ring, wielding a trash can lid. Charlotte Flair runs in as she's looking to do as much damage to Damage-CTRL before their final teammate enters the twin cages. In an insane spot, Iyo Sky stands on top of the cage and places a trash can over her body before diving off onto her hapless opponents (and several of her teammates). Asuka enters the ring and it's the start of War Games. The heels chain Bianca Belair and Becky Lynch together, immobilizing them before they beat them down. Shotzi goes after Asuka but gets face full of mist for her trouble. The babyfaces rally after Charlotte hits a moonsault off the top of the cage. Charlotte and Flair go after Damage-CTRL then hug, signaling they're friends again. Things heat up as the babyfaces lock in submissions and go for pinfalls, only for Bayley to play the spoiler, saving her teammates. Asuka goes to mist Shotzi again, but Blackheart dodges. Bianca gives Asuka a taste of her own medicine when she sprays a fire extinguisher at Asuka. Shotzi hits a Senton on Bayley. Belair with the KOD on Bayley. The rest of Damage-CTRL is down as Belair lifts Bayley up to Becky on the second rope. Manhandle Slam through the table as Becky covers Bayley for her team's win.

Winners: Bianca Belair, Shotzi, Charlotte Flair, and Becky Lynch

Backstage, several WWE Superstars are chilling backstage with Survivor Series’ sponsored product when R-Truth shows up!

Intercontinental Championship Match: Gunther (Champion) vs The Miz:

The Miz starts off by playing mind games, taunting Gunther. However, The Miz shows some ruthless aggression too as he dives outside the ring and smashes Gunther's legs into the ring post while the Intercontinental Champion is still in the ring. Miz then applies the Figure-Four Leglock, using the ring post for extra leverage. However, when Miz dives off the top rope, he eats a big boot from Gunther and "The Ring General" takes over, dominating the challenger. Gunther powerbombs The Miz but Miz kicks out. Gunther goes for the sleeper but Miz makes it to the corner and loosens the turnbuckle pad, distracting the referee. Low blow to Gunther followed by a Skull-Crushing Finale. 1,2...kickout by Gunther. Gunther isn't done though and he clotheslines The Miz, diving off the top rope with a big splash. Gunther applies the Boston Crab and it's too much as The Miz taps out.

Winner: Gunther

Santos Escobar vs Dragon Lee:

Santos is ruthless as he starts off strong against Dragon Lee, no doubt looking to send a message to everyone in the WWE. Escobar takes Le outside of the ring and tries to injure his leg, much as he did to Rey Mysterio. Escobar is already on a roll as the announcers state Carlito is out of action thanks to Santos Escobar injuring his shoulder. Dragon Lee is by no means done and he mounts a comeback, using his incredible speed and agility to keep Escobar dazed. However, Escobar is no stranger to the lucha libre style and he's capable of countering Lee's moves. Dragon Lee puts in a strong showing but a South of the Border Destroyer and Phantom Driver gets the duke for Santos.

Winner: Santos Escobar

Women's World Championship Match: Rhea Ripley (Champion) vs Zoey Stark:

Zoey starts off strong, surprising the champion with her aggression. It quickly becomes clear that Zoey can dish out some serious punishment to "The Eradicator." Ripley slows Zoey down with a headbutt but the challenger comes back with a DDT on the mat apron. Ripley bails out of the ring to take a powder but Stark isn't letting her get a breather. The two brawl at ringside but Ripley throws Stark into the ringpost and Zoey's head bounces off it. Ripley screams at Stark, asking her if she wants to try beating her at her game. Ripley slugs away at Stark then delivers a back suplex. Cover on Stark but Zoey is far from finished. Ripley goes after Stark and punishes her opponent, targeting her back with a Surfboard. Zoey throws some punches but Ripley quickly stops her. Standing clothesline in the corner. Ripley lifts Stark to the second rope and the two women begin exchanging punches. Ripley climbs to the second rope and they throw punches, with both women falling onto the mat. Zoey covers Rhea for a two-count. Roll through by Stark for another two-count. Stark goes for a suplex but Ripley elbows her way out. Northern Lights Suplex by Ripley and a cover for a near-fall. However, all it takes is one misstep by Stark and Ripley hits the Riptide for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

Men's War Games Match: The Judgment Day (Damien Priest, Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, and JD McDonagh) and Drew McIntyre vs. Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Sami Zayn, Jey Uso, and Randy Orton:

Finn Balor is going to start the match for The Judgment Day. Meanwhile, Drew McIntyre and Damien Priest are giving each other the hairy eyeball. Seth Rollins shakes hands with Cody Rhodes. Everyone on the babyface team is showing solidarity but Randy Orton is still missing. Seth Rollins will start the match for the babyfaces. Rollins goes after Balor immediately. It's clear there's still bad blood between these two following Balor's feud with Rollins. The heels have the man advantage which means Rollins is going to have to go on defense. JD McDonagh runs out to the ring. The Judgment Day's newest member brings in kendo sticks, handing one to Balor.The heels brutalize Rollins with double team maneuvers but Seth endures until Jey Uso runs out. Double superkick by Rollins and Jey to Balor and McDonagh. The babyfaces are dishing out some punishment but the odds will turn in the heels' favor again soon. Drew McIntyre wants in buyt Damien Priest tells him to wait. Priest makes his way to the cage. It's clear the teams are getting worn down and only Damien Priest seems to have any energy. The babyfaces have their turn and Cody encourages Sami to run out. Zayn runs in, taking out The Judgment Day.  Sami goes to the top turnbuckle and unloosens a piece of the cage, producing a steel pipe for his bludgeoning pleasure. The babyfaces have the edge for now but the heels have a fresh man. It's Drew McIntyre! "The Scottish Warrior" makes his way through the babyfaces until he has Jey Uso. McIntyre has talked about wanting this moment but Jey isn't going to lay down and play victim. Unfortunately for Jey, he's already taken a beating before McIntyre entered. McIntyre lifts up Jey and throws him into the cage. Sami comes to Jey's aid and Sami and Jey hit 1-D on Drew. It's time for the babyfaces! Cody Rhodes runs out to the cage but where's Randy Orton? Dominik enters the ring as the babyfaces gang up on him, stomping away at him while the rest of The Judgment Day (and Drew McIntyre) are still down. Seth and Sami set up a table in the corner. The heels regroup though as they have the numbers advantage. Things look bleak for the babyfaces as The Judgment Day and Drew hit their finishers. It's time for the fifth member of the babyface team. Randy Orton is nowhere to be found. Rhea Ripley runs out with the Money in the Bank briefcase! Not so fast. It's Randy Orton! War Games begins as Randy Orton plays a one-man gang, dishing out a nonstop attack to The Judgment Day. McIntyre and Orton glare at each other. They've had some wars in the past and begin slugging away before Damien Priest blindsides Orton, stopping his momentum. All ten wrestlers are doing battle now. The babyfaces hit a stereo Elevated DDT on the heels. It's time for the babyfaces to hit their respective finishers. Everyone is down on the heel side but JD McDonagh who looks like he wants to take a powder. McDonagh climbs to the top but Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins follow him. Randy Orton eyes McDonagh as Rollins and Zayn throw him off the top of the cage. RKO to McDonagh. CrossRhodes to Priest as Cody covers him for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Sami Zayn, Jey Uso, and Randy Orton

The babyfaces celebrate but before Survivor Series goes off the air, there's some familiar music. CM Punk is here!

More Survivor Series: War Games Content

There's plenty more content for the 2023 edition of Survivor Series: War Games. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel as we recap the show and provide our exclusive analysis of Survivor Series, including the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

Image Credit: WWE

