CM Punk Throws Shade in His Smackdown Promo.

12/9/2023 8:38 AM

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CM Punk Throws Shade in His Smackdown Promo.

CM Punk Throws Shade in His Smackdown Promo.

December 9, 2023 8:38 AM
CM Punk Throws Shade in His Smackdown Promo.
WWE News

Just Punk being Punk.

There’s a reason why CM Punk is one of the best on the mic. He’s mastered how to keep people interested when he talks and knows how to balance his promos between kayfabe and reality.


Other times, he’s just really good at throwing shade, and he just might’ve done it again on his return promo to Smackdown.


In his segment, he called out both Roman Reigns and the Bloodline. He then named people he could tag with to take them down, including Randy Orton, LA Knight, and Kevin Owens. However, when talking about Owens, he made a interesting statement.


“Kevin’s a little bit prickly, and him and I are probably too much alike. And I don’t know who would feel comfortable working with somebody who randomly just punches people in the face backstage. I mean, it’s 2023, ladies and gentlemen! You just can’t be doing stuff like that. That’s insane!”

H/T for the transcription


This was an apparent jab at his backstage rumbles with the Young Bucks at All Out 2022 and his altercation with Jack Perry.


He also referenced Seth Rollins, calling the current WWE Heavyweight Champion “a bad apple.”


Wonder how the rest of his promo went? Watch the full segment below!!

