Five Names That Should Desperately Go Back Down To NXT To Repackage Themselves In 2024

12/19/2023 5:32 AM

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Five Names That Should Desperately Go Back Down To NXT To Repackage Themselves In 2024

Five Names That Should Desperately Go Back Down To NXT To Repackage Themselves In 2024

December 19, 2023 5:32 AM
Five Names That Should Desperately Go Back Down To NXT To Repackage Themselves In 2024

Five talents on the main roster that should go back down to the developmental brand to repackage their character.

NXT 2.0 turned a corner in 2023. The developmental brand received so much flack in 2021 when Vince decided to revamp the show after the black-and-gold brand failed to beat AEW Dynamite in the ratings. Out of the gate, NXT 2.0 didn’t measure up to the high-quality in-ring work and storytelling of its previous version.

But the brand made a change for the positive slowly in 2023. No more zany gimmicks and weird segments dominated the developmental brand. Well, at least not a lot. Instead, the focus went back to wrestling, with fresh gimmicks and solid stories that played an important part in NXT 2.0’s DNA. Several names have gone back to the developmental brand to revitalize their careers; Baron Corbin, Apollo Crews, and Dominik Mysterio, just to name a few.

These names on the list are talented figures who could be big on the main roster but are currently in desperate need of a repackage. That means a new gimmick and a chance to showcase their talents and remind audiences why they belong in the company. 


The former WWE Tag Team Champion is a weird spectacle. It’s clear that Omos is not at the level WWE wants him to be. He was called up way too soon in 2020, but there’s no denying that his alliance with AJ Styles remains the best part of his main roster run. AJ masterfully helped hide his weakness, and Omos was getting over with the crowd throughout his time as a tag team champion.

Then Vince made the ill-advised decision to break up the duo, and Omos has struggled ever since. Though he’s given solid performances against Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins, he needs to go back to developmental to refine his character and gain more experience inside of the ring.

This oddball strategy of having Omos pop up occasionally for big matches isn’t helping him. He’s not getting better as a wrestler and fans no longer believe he’s a threat because he’s lost all of his recent high-profile matches. Omos had the potential to be a big name. He’s already surpassed The Great Khali in terms of talent, and if WWE let him work with talented vets like IIja Dragunov or Dijak then he’ll be able to get a stronger grasp of the in-ring aspect. 

Dexter Lumis

It’s time to drop the Dexter/Serial Killer gimmick. It does have potential as a heel, but even then, it’s a limited scope since there’s only so far you can go in a PG rating. Plus, the gimmick is rather one-dimensional. It’s even worse as a babyface. His feud with The Miz was extremely awkward and misguided because Lumis was acting like a heel, even though the story was treating him like a babyface. 

Lumis is a talented individual, but it’s time to drop the gimmick altogether. He’s had it for over a decade and there’s not much else he can do with it. His career won’t go much further if Triple H continues to keep him as this weird serial killer babyface. It is quite telling that we haven’t seen him much in 2023, and hopefully, that means a serious revamp of his character is taking place.

Cameron Grimes

It just appears that WWE doesn’t know what to do with Cameron Grimes. Surprisingly, it didn’t take long for the former NXT North American Champion to flounder on the main roster. Grimes has a nice blend of charisma and mic skills; plus, he can go inside of the ring. 

He may not be main event material, but he should be deep in the mid-card fighting for either the Intercontinental or United States titles. His gimmick isn’t particularly holding him back, but there’s no denying that a strong lack of character isn’t giving creative much to work with. 

Cedric Alexander

The former Cruiserweight Champion is a victim of Vince’s dumb decision to quickly disband The Hurt Business. Alexander has always been an extremely talented performer. When he was the cruiserweight champion, the 34-year-old was tearing the house down every week. 

However, he’s never truly had a character that fans connected with. Like Grimes, it’s baffling that Triple H hasn’t tried to do more with Alexander because he’s shown to be a solid promo who can go inside of the ring. The fact he’s not in the mix of the United States title picture is quite disappointing. 

Alexander needs to find a character that fits him and his style. The sky's the limit for the former cruiserweight champion if he does. Alexander is one of the best wrestlers on the roster, so it wouldn’t be hard for him to get over if he had a character that matched his in-ring ability.


I don’t think WWE’s ever understood how to book Michin’s character. There’s nothing complex about who she is, but there has yet to be one segment where her personality has truly shined on WWE television. Part of that is she was never booked strong on the main roster. It was an interesting choice to have her join the OC, but creative has done nothing special with that dynamic. 

Michin needs to get away from the OC and change her gimmick overall. Her wrestling style doesn’t match her personality and it’s a big reason she hasn’t been pushed beyond a certain level. There’s potential for her to be a big star in the women’s division, but Michin needs to find her voice on the roster. 
