Five Wrestlers John Cena Should Beat To Snap His Losing Streak

11/12/2023 5:43 AM

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Five Wrestlers John Cena Should Beat To Snap His Losing Streak

Five Wrestlers John Cena Should Beat To Snap His Losing Streak

November 12, 2023 5:43 AM
Five Wrestlers John Cena Should Beat To Snap His Losing Streak

The five men perfectly suited to take the big loss to John Cena.

The former 16-time WWE World Champion is going through a massive losing streak as a singles competitor. Despite fighting for the United States and WWE Universal titles recently, John Cena has come on the short end of the stick in every one of his singles matches.

 The veteran hoped to break that streak with Solo Sikoa at Crown Jewel, but the Bloodline heavy slowly dismantled the former WWE Champion with ease. John Cena will WIN again; however, the question is, who would take the loss? This list is composed of five men who would be perfect for John Cena to beat to snap his losing streak. 

Austin Theory

Their match at WrestleMania 39 was a huge disappointment. In fact, the entire build to the United Championship match didn’t do Theory much favors. John Cena trashed Theory’s in-ring ability in that infamous promo and the match itself proved Cena right.

Theory would’ve lost that match without the ref bump. Even before witnessing the visual moment of seeing the former US Champion tapping like a chickens**t heel, the match was an extremely basic and forgettable bout that wasn’t designed to put Theory over as a main even talent. It would be great if these two could run this match back and prove that they can produce an exciting and memorable match. 

The match should be designed to make Theory look like a star by having him be resilient and kick out of a couple of AA’s before finally being put out anyway. Theory can take a loss because the company isn’t doing much with him right now, but it would do wonders for Theory if these two could create something magical. His match against John Cena was a good reason why he didn’t elevate as a performer, though the booking of his title reign wasn’t particularly good either. 

Jimmy Uso

Though the Crown Jewel squash wasn’t as memorable as his loss to Brock Lesnar at Summerslam 2014, the former WWE Champion putting over Sikoa so strongly means a bright future is ahead for the Bloodline heavy. John Cena shouldn’t get his win back against Sikoa. 

However, Jimmy Uso can easily take the loss for the team. Roman SHOULD NOT be dropping the belt to Cena, but Cena should get some type of revenge against the faction. 

Sadly, Jimmy Uso has been relegated to the fall guy within the group. Giving him a nice showcase would be great, but he can easily take the loss for Bloodline that caps off the Bloodline/Cena story in a satisfactory manner. If WWE wants to explore Cena getting a chance to become a 17-time World Champion off this win then that can be a compelling story in its own right. But Cena doesn’t need to win, so the best he should do is beat one of the least important members of the group. 

Logan Paul

The clash of personalities makes for a perfect feud between these two. Cena is the all-American humble veteran who has lost his way. Logan Paul is the cocky douchebag who happens to be good inside the ring. The promos leading up to their match could be legendary and the match could rival Rock/Hogan in terms of investment.

If WWE has to give Cena a win against someone credible then Logan Paul would be a safe bet. Here’s an instant heat magnet, so all he has to do the next night is open his mouth and stir up some controversy. There are so many directions that creative can go in terms of telling a story between two mainstream stars, and while these two likely won’t have a match-of-the-year candidate, the bout would surely be fun for everyone watching if the story is built properly.

Montez Ford

Montez Ford is a singles star on the rise. WWE was telling this story earlier in the year with the former WWE Raw Tag Team Champion being showcased as a top singles star. The Street Profits don’t have to break up, but the first major singles feud for Montez Ford should be John Cena. 

Their careers are parallel to one another and it would be a true test to see if Ford has the chops to make it as a singles star. The most important thing would be to make him look like a star throughout the match, so him taking the loss wouldn’t sting as much. The follow-up would also be key for Ford’s progression as he can still get over as a singles guy if creative is fully supporting his push beyond his first encounter against Cena. 

Finn Balor

Finn Balor is in the same boat as Logan Paul. He’s a high-profile name where beating him does matter. Balor is a former WWE Universal and NXT Champion so his credibility is stronger. However, Balor doesn’t particularly need the win either. 

There’s no telling how long the Judgment Day act will last, but it would be surprising if Cena never encounters JD at least once in his career. These two don’t have much history, but WWE can use the fuel of Balor losing his first match against Cena in January 2018 as his motivation for targeting the multi-time world champion. The former NXT Champion could also push Cena into having a great match. Father time has gotten the better of John as it’s noticed that he isn’t the same as he was during his full-time stint. If his in-ring career is coming to an end soon, going on a great match against Balor can only further his legacy. 
