Is Another Channel Interested in AEW?

12/14/2023 8:48 PM

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Is Another Channel Interested in AEW?

Is Another Channel Interested in AEW?

December 14, 2023 8:48 PM
Is Another Channel Interested in AEW?
AEW News

Who Needs Warner Brothers Discovery?

Is another channel interested in the rights to air AEW programming? The recent news that Warner Brothers Discovery may still be interested in obtaining the rights to the RAW has some pundits screaming the sky is falling for AEW. While losing Warner Brothers Discovery as a client isn't good news, there could be hope should that happen.

Check out our news video for more details on Warner Brothers Discovery possibly looking into getting the rights to RAW:

Who is Interested in AEW?

Nick Hausman had an interesting take on things during a recent episode of his Rumor and Innuendo podcast:

“This is all rumor and innuendo, and I’ll get to everything, but it would seem like there will be some suitor of some kind for AEW. One network that was brought up to me, which is like ‘I can see this, I don’t know if there’s anything to it,’ is FX, who seem to want to market toward that younger, rebellious audience that AEW brings in. FOX is now getting out of the WWE business, so it may be a bit of ball and cup there.”

H/T Ringside News

The Demand for Content

The demand for quality content for TV remains high. This includes traditional broadcast television, cable channels, and streaming services. This has led to some record-breaking payouts for entertainment content as seen with sports and wrestling. Professional wrestling provides new content throughout the year with no off-season. Pro wrestling delivers strong ratings in the all-important 18-49 demographic, which makes it appealing to advertisers.

The idea that it's game over for AEW if Warner Brothers Discovery opts out is premature. AEW should be able to find a new home for its content. The question is whether this new home (or new homes) can meet two essential needs. These needs are: 1) being broadcast in a sufficient number of homes; and 2) delivering a sufficient amount of cash.

The Importance of Potential Viewers and Rights' Fees

Switching to another channel (or streaming service) could lead to AEW being broadcast in fewer homes. This isn't the end of the road. For example, SmackDown's move to the USA Network means that the show will be broadcast in fewer homes than when it aired on FOX. However, the USA Network is still broadcast in enough homes to provide a good audience base as long as fan interest continues. A promotion wants to have its content available in as many homes as possible not only to build ratings, but to expose more people to the product.

The revenue AEW gets for the air rights for its content is more important. The wrestling industry has changed and large promotions derive a major portion of their income from rights fees. Wrestlenomics' Brandon Thurston recently estimated AEW's revenue, arguing that AEW needs to double the amount it currently receives for its TV to be profitable. Thurston's analysis may be off since AEW does not release its financial records. Nevertheless, the company needs to get a good payday for the rights to its programming.

For now, AEW fans will have to wait and see whether Warner Brothers Discovery opts to stay with the company or go with the WWE. However, short of AEW having a catastrophic drop in ratings, there will be other potential homes.

Photo Credit: AEW

