Is CM Punk Looking to Replace Shawn Michaels in NXT?

12/13/2023 10:26 PM

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Is CM Punk Looking to Replace Shawn Michaels in NXT?

Is CM Punk Looking to Replace Shawn Michaels in NXT?

December 13, 2023 10:26 PM
Is CM Punk Looking to Replace Shawn Michaels in NXT?
WWE News

New Report Suggests Punk is Looking for Role in NXT

Is CM Punk looking to replace Shawn Michaels in NXT? Although there have been no reports of Shawn Michaels stating he intends to leave NXT anytime soon, a new report CM Punk might have his eyes on Michaels' job in NXT when it becomes available. Let's take a look at a report from Wrestling Purists and see how it could tie in with Punk's recent appearances in NXT.

Punk Stops By NXT and the WWE Performance Center

As reported earlier, CM Punk was backstage at NXT on 12 December, talking with WWE Superstars and offering his advice to them. Punk also appeared on NXT's Deadline premium live event (PLE) on 9 December.

Fightful Select reports Punk was at the WWE Performance Center on 12 December even though he wasn't scheduled for the show:

Fightful's Corey Brennan also heard that Punk was moving around the area, including Gorilla, and behind the hard cam area and tech crew observing.

H/T Fightful Select

The report noted that Punk showed interest in the production aspect of wrestling during his time in Ohio Valley Wrestling. So why is Punk doing this?

Wrestling Purists' Ibou has a theory:

Is Punk Planning For His Post-Wrestling Career?

Could Punk be thinking ahead for life after in-ring competition? Punk turned 45 last October, and while there are older wrestlers competing, Punk's run in AEW suggests he's injury-prone. Regardless of how limited his WWE schedule may be (a question that remains unanswered), he may realize that one more injury could end his career.

Punk seemed to enjoy counseling younger talent in AEW during his time there. Given Punk's successful career and the fact that many young talent grew up watching him (with some being inspired to become wrestlers by him), it's no wonder he's been well-received backstage.

The WrestleOps report is just one of several that have made the rounds, showing that Punk has left many wrestlers with a favorable impression. Naturally, he's only been in the company since Survivor Series, but so far, he's making friends rather than making waves.

There's been no suggestion that Punk is involved in some sort of sinister takeover plot to replace Michaels. Indeed, Fightful Select reports that Shawn Michaels was one of the most vocal WWE Superstars to welcome Punk back, and Punk appreciated the gesture. Fightful added that Punk is welcome at any time in the Performance Center.

At this point, it seems like Punk is preparing himself for his future. He may have a long wait before Shawn Michaels retires. Nonetheless, learning about the production aspect of wrestling is wise. This opens Punk's future opportunities whether it's in the WWE or another wrestling company (although something tells us it won't be AEW).

Photo Credit: WWE
